Refugees support
Refugee aid and integration
The number of refugees seeking safety and new prospects in Germany and Europe continues to grow. People from Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Africa and the Balkans are hoping for a decent life here.
The Zossen-Fläming church district, with its congregations and the Diakonisches Werk, sees itself as a "church with refugees". Many parishioners work at round tables and initiatives for refugees. They organise tea rooms, clothing stores, German courses, and accompany the new arrivals when they go to the authorities. They help in a unique way so that people from a different culture and tradition can settle in here.
But they also take concerns and fears seriously, moderate conflicts and thus contribute to social peace in the villages and towns of the church district.
In 2015, the synod of the church district adopted guidelines. They describe what is important to the church congregations in this task.
The following links lead to websites and information in German language.

Britta Rostalsky
Pastor for diaconia and pastoral care for migrants
Tel.: +49 151 - 63 94 345